DISTRACTION A distraction is anything within or round you thatprevent your concentration or diverts your attention from a particular thing or cause, within a specific fragment of time. The word “ANYTHING” as used above simply means a distraction can be in form of anything such as thoughts, actions, clothes, phones or phone calls, ideas and so on. The word “WITHIN YOU” or “AROUND YOU” simply means that a distraction can come from the things within you, or the things around you. The word “CONCENTRATION” or “ATTENTION” are the direct opposites of the word “DISTRACRION” and distraction is antagonistic to them. The sentence “SPECIFIED FRAGMENT OF TIME” as used in the definition simply means that distraction is not a permanent phenomenon. It only comes up within a specific time, while its permanence or longevity depends on your ability or inability to conquer it. When you are set to pray at 5:00am and then there is a phone call to you at 5:05am (i.e. just b...
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