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The downfall of man they say is not the end of His life, but I tell you the mysteries attached to this world of the living is far beyond the imagination of the living.
The question WHY is what always runs through our minds; Why the Downfall of Man? Who really wants the downfall of man?
So many questions come into one’s mind, but can one really question God, the creator of all existence?.
God has given us the POWER OF CHOICE, He has placed before us two things in life;
Good or Evil
Right or Wrong
Light or Darkness
Salvation or Destruction
Success or Failure
Peaces or War
Heaven or Hell
Life or Death
He said Life and Death are before you, choose life that you may live.
There is a way that seemest right unto a man, but the end of it all is destruction
The downfall of a man presents man with one out of two possibilities;
There was a time in life when I was a child and I began to grow by learning from the wisdom of my custodians, everything in life so smooth and easy, so is the thinking of a “Child”
I began to grow with the fear of God in me and the path I followed was the good path.
The power of Choice worked in me. And God endowed me with abundance of grace and I treaded in the path of salvation and amazing grace.
I was filled with God’s anointing.
And anything I lay my hands on feels God’s goodness
Although temptations came, but with God’s grace in me, temptation didn’t recognize me.
But as I continue my journey in the path of life,
I grew from stage to stage, so also temptation grows from phase to phase.
Then I realize there is someone behind this temptation
There is only one person who has always wanted the downfall of man
The Destroyer and originator of all evil.
The destroyer uses different means in tackling Man.
Some of this means include:
·        Lust for pleasure
·        Bad friends
·        Love of money
·        Rage to get power
·        Fame and lot more of evils
But do not be ignorant of the devices of the destroyer. Temptation comes through dialogue with the destroyer. When you start dialoging with the destroyer you tend to fall for his tricks.
So it came to a point, I started to try dialogue with him. Although he tried to steal me away but the lord was with me.
However the power of choice in me hunts for worldly pleasures and desires, which made me, continue to dialogue with the destroyer.
I started having lust for pleasures; bad friends came into play, love for money and all other thoughts of worldly desires. Soon I defied myself and the grace and anointing of the lord who shines in me was compromised. There was always a second chance for man, but I was ignorant of that fact and I began to rely on past glory which never came. Now my sins weigh me down and I continue to dwell in the path of sin, because sin leaves you no choice but to continue in SIN.

“The greatest risk in having all is LOOSING ALL” and what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.
There came a point in my life when I feel am on top of the world, and I can get anything I want, that is the point where the destroyer seeks for the DOWNFALL OF MAN. He shows you the glory of the world while you burn your time and chances to gain salvation back. He continues to entice us, so that by the time we realize, it is too late and by then there will be no going back, and this is the point of LOOSING ALL.
The word RISK should always be at play in us. Although life is about risk, but be conscious of what so ever you put your hand into in life. Always REFLECT if the risk is worth your salvation.

If you are deceived and carried away by the desires delight of having the world at your disposal, always know that the risk involved is losing all at the end and even your own soul if not careful. The end result of having all at the detriment of salvation is square “zero”

What goes around comes around, you cannot eat your cake and have it and the way you lay your bed you will lye on it. The law of Karma exists.

The downfall of man is in two dimension;
It is either man looses everything including his soul and salvation when it’s too late
Man looses everything but still has the chance to salvation and become a new creation in Christ Jesus.

So it is never too late until it is too late.
Now is the time to review the path you are treading on.
The power of CHOICE is still in you.
Choose life that you may LIVE.
Remain blessed.


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